2023 Albatross Open

I'd like to say it's my first RACE WEEK of 2023 but it's really not. I've already raced in 2023. Nope; not talking about the local Kensington MD parkRun on the Rock Creek Trail next to Beach Drive because those are just training timed 5ks. I've already done a masters swim meet and a splash n' dash back in March. Now to write the small race recaps before I have back to back to back race weeks; well 3 races in 20 days. Eeeeeek! Okay for now I'll just write about the 2023 Albatross Open; one of my all time favorite swim meets PERIOD.



On Saturday March 18th was the Montgomery Ancient Mariners Albatross Open at Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center in North Bethesda Maryland. This is my masters teams meet and the Ancient Mariners showed up; we had over 40 swimmers and WON the meet. Due to volunteering at swimmer registration and swimming on the second to last relay of the meet; I was at KSAC for almost 12 hours. But it was all worth it. I got to swim lots of Fly and some Fly events. The 100 Fly was my first event and boy was it hard. I sprinted all 4 lengths of the pool. I dove off the block and decided to go full force all out. My time of 1:45.96 was a satisfying way to start my long day. I had a very long wait until my next event; the 200 Fly so I used the shallow end of the pool to warm up, cheered for friends who were swimming their events, and just was a social butterfly chatterbox in general. I was ready for the 200 Fly once I stepped up on the starting blocks. This event right here; it's my baby and love and focus and go to event. I train hard for the 8 challenging lengths of the pool. I'm not super fast but I'm smooth and feel like I could go on for more than it's total distance. I took the first 4 lengths nice and smooth; trying to focus on how many dolphin kicks I could do off each wall and touch each wall with 2 hands on each turn. The next 2 lengths is about surviving because that's where I always get tired for whatever reason. The final 2 lengths is where I give it all I got and push myself through the water on pure adrenaline. My time of 3:42.99 was something to be super duper PROUD of. I worked hard for that time. The middle of the meet break came shortly after the 200 Fly was over and all bravely swam the event. I had the relays to rest before the 100 Individual Medley. This was the first time doing the 100 IM at a short course meters meet; the second time at a masters meet in all my time. The objective was to sprint through the event; 1 length of each stroke in the order of Fly, Back, Breast, Free. Every 25 felt really strong and powerful; even the backstroke which is my least favorite stroke of all time. I was pleased with a 1:47.29 because I didn't have anything to compare it to or go off of. I had a single event to rest and then off to finish the tri-fecta of the Fly events. Ouch; the 50 Fly a true sprinters event. I'm personally not a fan of 50s because it's only 2 lengths and I don't see myself as a sprinter. All in all a fun 2 lengths. I swam it in 48.94 which for me is an amazing time for the Fly I had swam prior to my last individual event. I lap counted and cheered for one of my team mates in the 400 Free before end of the meet relays. First up was the 50 Breast; the second leg of the Mixed 200 Medley Relay. No idea what my split was but I still admit I LOVE breaststroke now as much as I have my whole entire swimming career. I hopped out of the pool and swam my final swim of the day; the last leg the 50 Free on the Women's Medley Relay. I have zero idea what my split and time was for the 2 lengths of free but I kicked hard once I dove in until the time I touched the timing pad. 


A successful meet to start off 2023. I got First (Medals with Blue Ribbon) in my age group in each Fly event and Second (Red Ribbon) in my age group in the 100 Individual Medley. I LOVE Albatross so much and not all because it's my masters team's host meet. I just love and enjoy swimming because it is pure fun. It's extra icing on the cake to work hard to achieve something and then go out and do it. Many moons till my next masters meet; but there is plenty of racing and open water swimming to do.   



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