Do Hard Things That Scare You


On Sunday November 3; I raced the MoCo Road Runners Rockville 10k where I ran up and down all the hills in the King Farm neighborhood of Rockville. This road race is a fall favorite as I'm a repeat offender over the years. The goal was to beat my time from 2023 which was seconds under an hour. My training for this race this year was consistently inconsistent, which has become a theme all year long. I didn't want to put pressure on myself but I'm used to it so I had an A time goal, a B time goal, a C time goal, as well as a Just Finish This race goal. The weather race morning was absolute perfection which suits me well when it comes to running. Cool and Crisp temperatures with the sun out and no wind There were many stresses that I was handed race morning. I let the anxiety of the happenings get to me but once I lined up in the corral for an 8:30 am start to hear the G O word I was ready to see what I could accomplish. It was Me vs. Me trying to prove to myself to hang tough on a hard course that I've come to know well. One last road race for this special season; I wasn't going to disappoint (myself).


The 10k course is challenging with many hills going up and maybe a few going down. The first mile and change seem to the flattest section of the entire course; so I didn't want to start out too fast. I wanted consistency and it wasn't easy to go the pace I planned as the course was crowded and everyone seemed to be flying past me. My pace felt comfortable so I just went with how I felt. The first mile were some easy rollers combined with a bunch of flat. The first (of many) u-turn approached just as my Garmin blared Mile 1 - 8:28 minute mile pace. A little on the fast side but cool whatever. There were more rollers on this next section of the course. This part of the course was a bit lonelier as the crowds thinned out. This gave me time to focus on the in my head positive self-talk as well as encouraging runners that passed me or that I passed. Just as I approached the first water station my Garmin blared again Mile 2 - 8:24 minute mile pace. The constant rollers and several short steep climbs were in sight. I was able to get up these hills easier as I'm more comfortable when temps are cooler. I was able to pass other runners struggling up the hill and shouted out with a smile "You Got This". In return I got a few smiles as well as a compliment on my custom run tank. Before I knew it Mile 3 - 8:29 minute mile pace blared on my Garmin and worse uphill of the course was in front of me. This next mile was mostly uphill and a little bit downhill. The uphill was long and steep. I knew from past years the last u-turn was at the top. There weren't as many runners around me as the previous years but there were a good number of spectators on this section of the course cheering the runners on. I gave high fives to the kids who had their hands out and smiled my way up the hill. I took the u-turn very wide as I always do and started to make my way down the hill. As I was running down approaching the next mile marker sign ahead I encouraged all the runners coming up the hill to get to the u-turn (turnaround). It was nice seeing so many runners where I thought I'd originally be at this race. Then all the sudden before I approached the next water station; the Garmin blared Mile 4 - 8:49 minute mile pace. After grabbing some water to drink with the gel it was a right turn to complete a short and flat out and back. There was some guy who complimented my custom run tank again and we talked for probably lasted a few seconds. This guy was older and was flying. I knew my pace was getting slower so as soon as we completed the out and back to turn right; he ran off and I made it my goal to keep him in my view. All the sudden the Garmin blared to say I had reached Mile 5 - 8:47 minute mile pace; and I knew I would reach my A time goal for this race as I just needed some added energy or something extra but I wasn't sure how. I had almost hit the wall as the hills got me this time on this course. I knew the 5k race u-turn was coming up as I saw the cone in the middle of the road, a race volunteer with a flag, and runners and walkers making their u-turn for their race. That right there was what I needed. I was hoping to find my friend Ann and her hubby Ali on the course; since they were run/walking the 5k. After I passed the 5k cone I noticed Ann and Ali up ahead making their way to turnaround. I must have screamed Ann's name a million times. We finally made eye contact and Ann shouted out something encouraging, which she always does but I can't remember what was said. I told Ann and Ali they were doing awesome which is what Ali needed most as he looked beat and told them I'd meet them at the finish line. That right there was the 'something extra' I needed to get me going again. Then I finally made it where my Garmin blared Mile 6 - 8:59 minute mile pace or noted as Almost Done. There were several families on the course and there was an elementary (or she looked that age) with her family. She was skipping and hopping along with her family. As I ran by this girl; I asked her if she was having fun (because that's the MOST IMPORTANT thing) and she said Yes with a lot of excitement. She complimented my Pink Rainbow Unicorn Zensah compression sleeves as I ran off toward the finish. I told her to keep having fun and that she was almost finished. The smiling beam on her face was great. She then stayed with her family and I ran toward the finish. Before I made the left turn for the short(ish) run into the finish my Garmin reached 6.21 miles - 8:56 minute mile pace which is what I needed for the purposes of Strava so I stopped the Garmin. The crowds were massive and loud. I had to figure out how I wanted to reach the finish line. I heard my name a few times from those in the crowds and heard my name called as I stepped over the mat. Done. Finished. Complete. This was the final finish line on a course I loved with a distance I am still learning to find love for again. I was happy and overjoyed with tears so wearing sunglasses that morning was a good idea; to hide the happy tears and because it was sunny as well. 

I was handed a bottle of water after crossing the timing mat and was like do I really want to drink this but I decided it would be good to get something in my system as I was totally depleted. I knew Ann and Ali would be making their way to finish and I wanted to cheer them in. I saw them coming. I might have been depleted of everything running but wasn't depleted on cheering. As Ann and Ali made the left turn; Ali was recording a video of Ann on his phone. Ann had that face of determination which I love to pieces; always getting after it. I was screaming "Go Ann and Ali" which Ann noticed. Before she went into the finish chute Ann made her way to me and I gave her a high five. She hugged me and I congratulated her even though she hadn't quite reached the finish. Then she zoomed off to the finish line with Ali right next to her. 

Final Thoughts on the 49th Annual MoCo Road Runners Rockville 10k

I'm really PROUD of whole this whole 10k turned out. I wasn't trained well for the gnarly hills on the course but totally beat my A Goal time which I set for 55 minutes. I went out a little on the fast side for the first 5k as it always seems easier. My pace slowed down significantly on second 5k as there were many hills which my body wasn't trained for. I managed to keep a good consistent average pace for each 5k of the race. I got to dark points in my head but being surrounded by others and feeding off the energy of other runners, the volunteers (which I thanked every single one of them on the course) and the spectators kept me positive. Getting to share the course with Ann and Ali; as they live over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Easton, was special to feel not alone. I will get over to their side of the bridge in 2025 to do one of their local races as they have good ones on the Eastern Shore. I also ate many rounds of food after the 10k which is unusual as I'm never hungry after running. The season themes of Perfectly Imperfect and Consistently Inconsistent matched what the Rockville 10k was. 

Packet Pickup Bib/Race Number Selfie the day before at R&J Sports Rockville 

Sandwiched between Ali and Ann outside Panera post-race!


Post Race Food Round 1 at Panera

Post Race Food and Drinks Roud 2 at the B&N Cafe

All the MyRaceTatts mantras! 


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