For The Virtual to IRL Friends

It's been almost a month since I ran the Pacers Running DC Half Marathon in Washington DC. Life has gotten really busy and hectic as I wanted to find the right words to express the meaning these three gals who have had in such a short time. Theresa, Ann and Ilene have such caring, kind, and warm hearts as well as a good head attached their shoulder. I chose to dedicate the DC Half Marathon to 3 gals who I met through the sport; first virtually then IRL (In Real Life). Each of these gals have much more life experience than me. I've enjoyed finding out more about them and their life stories; in whatever we converse from time to time. I may not know as much about each of these wonderful women as I can as our friendships are still blooming and blossoming and there is so much still to learn. But from the conversations we've had; their experiences help me out from time to time. Theresa, Ann and Ilene have all helped me grow and become a better version of me. These dedications are written in a different way than past dedications; but to me they are still just as meaningful as the others. As I ran the DC Half through the streets of our Nation's Capital; they ran with me in spirit. 


Met Virtually: Fall 2018
Met IRL: November 2019

It brings tears to my eyes to write about Theresa. We met on Facebook years ago when we made a women's triathlon apparel team HERev; that went out of business not too many years after I made the team. We conversed about life and sport experiences just like any two people would. I got to learn about her, her husband, her two daughters and obviously the dogs (as there have been a few in her family since we first connected) as well as her life story. Being on opposite coasts of the US never made conversation tough. She has lived all over the place (as I found out more recently) but has resided outside LA for years now. We text, FB Message when it's easier and we send mail to each other from time to time. Whenever Theresa and her husband Steve go on vacation; I always get a postcard from their travels which is so much fun. When I've needed an opinion or advice I can go to Theresa as I know it's from the heart as she truly cares and will never leave my side. We met in person a year after meeting online when she was in town for a work conference. She could have easily stayed at the welcome dinner but drove in afternoon I-95 traffic to meet me instead. The hug we embraced though so long ago was special and I still feel how special it was. I haven't been out to the west coast to visit her since our friendship was formed; but I've already accepted an invite for something special a few years down the road.   


Met Virtually: Summer or Fall 2018
Met IRL: September 2019

I could tear up as well about my sweet friend Ann. We met on the Women for Tri (an IRONMAN Triathlon initiative to get more women in the sport) Facebook group. I had posted about Coming Out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she reached out and we instantly connected.  Ann lives in Easton Maryland which is drive over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge from me with her husband and clan of cats. We chatted quite a bit online but didn't meet IRL until the 2019 Kinetic Multisport Waterman's Long Course Triathlon in Rock Hall. We met race morning in transition. I still remember the hug when we first met. I also remember Ann asking me if I wanted any goodies she had for the bike portion as she had plenty to share; I remember saying no as I knew what I needed. We chat online, talk on the phone and get to see each other in person (which is always nice) from time to time. I'm grateful that Ann makes sure I'm included in things. When she'll do a run on her treadmill (no matter what time of day); as running is her sport she always lets me (and Ilene who you'll find about right after) know she'll be running and doesn't mind company. Times are mixed if I'm able to make it or not but at least she invites me. I'm very happy I have Ann. 


Met Virtually: September 2021
Met IRL: May 2024

Ilene's story is a bit different and it's really worth writing about. Ilene and I met over Zoom on rides and team meetings when I was part of an endurance sports community, I was on but decided to leave as I wasn't a good fit for the group. The team is based outside Boston Mass as that's where the leader lives; but there were members from seems like all over, so the group had many virtual options. For several years I conversed with Ilene who lives southeast of Boston (not to far from the Rhode Island) border. I really wanted to meet her at some point after only knowing her IRL for quite a few years. The team we were on together decided to do the Kinetic Multisport Rock Hall Triathlon weekend this summer. Ilene was the one who suggested the team do the race as a team one because Ann and I couldn't stop talking about the location on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Since I was doing the entire weekend of racing: I got to meet Ilene Friday late afternoon at packet pickup for Saturday's events. The moment I saw her walking with the rest of her teammates; I couldn't help but tear up with joy underneath my sunglasses aka crying my eyes out. I'm happy the moment we finally embraced in a hug was captured and I can share it. We didn't get to spend much time that weekend together but we had what were special moments to me. Ilene did the bike portion of relays for the Olympic and Sprint Triathlon that weekend (and did so awesome if you ask me). There is a story as to why Ilene was the reason I decided to race in Rock Hall but I'm unsure if and when I'll share that. We continue to video chat on FB Messenger when able to and I love following her adventures. I hope we are able to cross paths in person again as she is kind and thoughtful and I wouldn't mind having more conversations with her. 

Now that the race dedications are written down in my words; the DC Half Marathon race recap will be written next. That most perfect morning is still clear in my head when I was able to Race The District.


Hello Marci. What a beautiful tribute to everyone. We at Ann + Alirio remember this race and enjoyed cheering you on from our studio. We are proud to have you as an ambassador, model and in the Ann + Alirio family.
Ilene said…
Marci it was so wonderful to finally meet you IRL at Rock Hall. You are an amazing athlete and I am honored to call you a friend.I know our friendship will continue to grow along with our virtual morning workout adventures!

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