No Pressure Whatsoever!

On Sunday August 4th I completed my final triathlon of my 2024 season at the Kinetic Multisports Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon in Bear Delaware. This race venue and course is a favorite; especially when it comes to the bike course. Every time I turn into the entrance of Lums Pond State Park; it feels like something special will happen. Though in the end of everything, I try not put any pressure on myself because 2 Decades later, I'm still here showing up doing this thing I love so much! I can't ask for anything more than that to be honest. But as I've learned this season; and from those of the past, pretty awesome things happen when the pressure is put on hold.

Pre-Race Shenanigans

I went on Saturday to pick my race stuff up because it's just less stressful. I've raced with Kinetic enough over the years that I know the race staff so it's always just really nice to see everyone. When I got to the packet pickup table I said hello to Suzanne who is in charge of registration and timing. I was supposed to get race/bib number 339 but well I talked my way into 340 instead. I also talked to Janie who is the volunteer coordinator who gives you all the swag and told her the sad story how my pink Kinetic cap from Rock Hall broke earlier in the week. I had a white swim cap for the Sprint distance athletes and pink was given to the Olympic distance athletes; but it helps to have connections and a pink swim cap slipped into my race stuff. Of all the stuff that went down at packet pickup; the ONLY thing I didn't like what I saw was the water temperature sign. I had known this info already but seeing the numbers was grossing me out even though I had no way of getting out swimming in that warm water the next day.

The next morning on race day I arrived early just to make I got a spot in transition I liked and to get parking in the lot at the race site. First thing that went into transition Sunday morning was Zoom 2.0. I didn't get Row M (as rows are marked with letters so athletes could maybe remember where our stuff was during the race craziness) even a few minutes before 6 am so I got Row R and right on the end. The setup of my transition was very simple so I had time to talk to the race officials and other athletes around me; many who were first timers. As I knew time was of the essence and transition would be closing; I grabbed my goggles, swim cap, a gel, a granola bar, a bottle of water to recycle at the swim start and made sure Zoom 2.0 was ready.

Down at the swim start; I went over to say hi to Eric (the guy with the mic who announces race stuff all morning long) and he blasted my pre-race jam 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls and that was just what I needed to pump me up. The Olympic Distance athletes went off at 7:30 but I had to wait another 30 minutes for the Sprint to start at 8 am.

Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon Swim

Garmin - 804 Yards - 15 minutes 31 seconds
Kinetic - 750 Yards - 15 minutes 33 seconds

Once the Olympic athletes were in the water was when the butterflies started going. I decided it was time to take in my gel and down some water along with it. I stood at the swim start to get in place for when we'd line up two by two for the time trial start. I got in line towards the front to avoid all the unnecessary craziness with non-swimmers since there were many full timers. There was a small group of elite athletes that went off at 8 then it was two by two. When Don; the VP who sent everyone off told me and the athlete next to me to 'go' I told him 'Thank You' one last time for the season. I pressed the Start button on my Garmin and ran off into the water. I remembered how shallow the water stayed but dove in a bit to early but thanks to the sand; I didn't hit my head to hard.  There were only a few orange buoys to follow to get to the left-hand turn yellow buoy. I made the turn and then realized 2 things (1) that the safety pin on my timing chip strap had fallen off and (2) there was a swimmer doing backstroke on my left. I had found a good pace that was smooth and relaxed yet fast, so I wanted to keep it going. But I was also a tad (very) worried about this backstroke gal getting a tad too close to and yanking off my timing chip. I swam as fast as I could to make it past the orange sighting buoys to get to the next yellow turn buoy to make sure my timing chip stays on. Once I made it to the yellow turn buoy the gal swimming backstroke all the sudden turned over and started swimming freestyle; OMG I was not the happiest of athletes, but I did start passing a few sprint athletes as well as few Olympic athletes with pink swim caps. I had made it through the roughest parts, had made my way to the final yellow left turn buoy and saw the squiggly man swaying which meant the swim was almost done. I remembered to go to the right of the final yellow barrel buoy to exit the swim. I saw the timing mat as I emerged onto the grass and pressed the lap button. I was extremely happy with that swim being a tad over 15 minutes. I was beaming with the biggest smile on my face as I took my swim cap and goggles off running my way into transition. No pressure right; think again! I was on a mission.

Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon Swim to Bike Transition 

Garmin - 2 minutes 21 seconds
Kinetic - 2 minutes 31 seconds

I had written R on my left hand above my 'She Believed She Could So She Did' temporary tattoo mantra to make sure I knew where my bike was but of course I ran one rack too far to rack P and realized I had gone too far. It was quick u turn to get to where I was supposed to be. Sunglasses on, helmet buckled, Zensah no show pink rainbow unicorn socks on, bike shoes on, took one sip of water and took Zoom 2.0 off his rack and we were ready to go. I sprinted with my boy (Zoom 2.0) out of transition, took the left turn down the mat, once fully over the dismount line I was clipped in, where the party was just starting. No pressure! Yeah guess again and go laugh your head off because I was about to fight/push hard to reach a goal I had been keeping tucked away.

Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon Bike

Garmin - 9.99 miles - 29 minutes 45 seconds (20.1 mph average)
Kinetic - 10 miles - 30 minutes 1 seconds (20 mph average)

After getting clipped in with ease I saw a photographer which has been unusual at triathlons all season, so I took focus attempting to get a good bike photo. Did what most think is Peace sign but for me it was really the Girl Power sign. I took my right hand off the pink taped handlebar and smiled as big as I could. Right after that it was a sharp right out of the parking lot for a short time, then a sharp left the short road to lead out to the road out of park to main loop. Once I got to the road that led out of the park, I knew this course well enough that even with speed bumps I could get tucked in my aero bars and start plugging away. I passed the few athletes screaming on your left rolling by with a normal statement of encouragement; for example 'You've Got This' because you never know who it might help out. Once I turned right out of the park onto the main loop; it was miles of being comfortable but outside my comfort zone. I didn't really have time to look at my Garmin loop around to see my current and average speed; as those were crucial to what I wanted to accomplish. At points I looked down as I sipped my electrolytes out of aero bottle and noticed some numbers that made me say 'WOW' and helped boost my own confidence. I took the few right turns on the course very wide; so maybe my Garmin would actually register an even 10 not any odd number. I expected crowds on the course but to my surprise not bad. I can be honest that at mile 5 when my Garmin blared; I did look at the average and knew that something was possible. Seeing the number I did made my smile beam a little wider and made me tell myself "You Got This Marci". I just pedaled and continued to thank the volunteers as well as the police officers who kept us safe. Next thing I knew I was made the right turn back into the park. I looked at my Garmin as I rode in the park back to transition. I knew I'd be nothing but happy when all the sudden I made the last left turn into the parking lot where transition was ahead. Oh My Yessss; I accomplished my personal goal as I slowed down to stop, pressed the lap button on my Garmin, got unclipped from the pedals and made it off the bike just before the mount line. That 20-mph average speed was finally reached as well as a course Personal Best, even if my Garmin did say 9.99 bike miles. 

Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon Bike to Run Transition

Garmin - 1 minute 10 seconds
Kinetic - 1 minute 14 seconds

As I was running into transition; I heard Eric the announcer with the mic telling all the spectators that "From Silver Spring MD Race Number 340 Marci Goldberg is back from the bike who is also the Spice Girls Number ONE Fan". I was actually slightly annoyed but not surprised he said that. Made me smile but also roll my eyes under my sunglasses like "Why". I sprinted back into transition through the Bike In tent and made sure to notice the R rack. Zoom 2.0 was put back on the rack by his saddle, helmet unclipped and off, bike shoes unstrapped and off, slipped my running shoes on, race number belt buckled on, and took 2 gels as I knew I'd need them. Ran to the Run Out tent and as soon as I ran over the timing mat; I pressed the lap button one final time to start the run portion of this one.

Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon Run

Garmin - 3.3 miles - 30 minutes 9 seconds
Kinetic - 3.1 miles - 30 minutes 11 seconds

As I ran out of transition, I took some of gel in knowing the first aid station was coming up quickly. After a strong and powerful bike, I knew I would need all the help I could get on this run course. I took a cup of water from the volunteer as I thanked them for being out there, downed the cup and aimed at the trash can hoping the cup would make it in. There weren't many out there yet but boy was I passed. I didn't let that dampen my spirits of having a good race. I noticed that we were on grass and the single-track gravel which meant oh geez; it's going to be a trail run. With the heavy rain the night before I knew I'd have a good run but not anything better as I had to watch my footing. Lots of slippery spots on the dirt but thankfully no mud (like at the Rip It Events Bear Sprint Triathlon back in May). There were plenty of boardwalk bridges to run on which was easier for me personally knowing I could keep a strong comfortable pace. I didn't even look at my Garmin like I normally do which really made the run have a No Pressure feeling to it. I got passed left and right but it was all in the encouraging way it should be with those positive statements being said between us athletes. I just literally kept moving forward. The trails turned into just grass which was a nice change and then eventually the smallest portion of road surface and then back onto grass to get to the finish. As I saw the finish arch ahead; it was a relief that this run was that much closer to being over. Don, the VP of Kinetic passed me right before we entered the chute which was neat. He stated something that sounded like 'well done Marci' as I responded with "get it Don'. As I saw the 'Turn Your Bib to the Front' and the 'Smile for Photos' signs I did my signature arms up in the air with my Girl Power signs in each hand. I knew my run split was not the greatest but at least I made it in one piece with so much to be proud of. 

Kinetic Multisports Lums Pond Sprint Triathlon Total Time

Garmin - 1 hour 19 minutes 13 seconds
Kinetic - 1 hour 19 minutes 21 seconds

Overall delighted with the race I executed. Somewhat shocked to find out I won the Gals 40-44 Age Group! 1st and Fastest on the Swim. 2nd Fastest on the Bike. 4th Fastest on the Run! PROUD of myself for knowing when to push myself but also knowing when to hold back! 


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