For The Mermaids

On Sunday August 18th I completed my first open water swim race; without a bike and/or run attached to the end of it. There were so many years; 14 years to be exact of getting this dream accomplished. More in the race recap sometime this coming weekend; but this endurance swim was the hardest and most grueling athletic event I've ever completed. There are so many mermaids known as those that have a passion for being in the water; that I could have given the dedications to. Just like the ongoing journey in the sport changes and evolves over time so did the dedications; well in some ways. All three mermaids; I've known for a few years but have each had a special impact on me. No one gets a certain mile dedicated to them but they each get a story shared of how they have each impacted me. I have only known all three of them for a short amount of time but I've enjoyed learning the little bit I know. So when you are ready; take a deep breath before going under water and remember to blow those bubbles.

Simone Lemieux

I met Simone virtually a few years ago then finally IRL (in real life) not even a year ago now. We had seen each other only via Zoom so many times but the moment we met in person was so amazing. Simone and I met at a race in late September 2023; the inaugural Ironman 70.3 Jones Beach NY as we were both part of a team that is in the rear-view mirror for me now. Simone and I both arrived at the race site at the same time. We embraced in a sweet hug and talked for a bit of time before the few other teammates arrived. Simone was supposed to swim the 1.2 miles as part of this half iron distance relay but an injury kept her doing it. She still traveled from North Carolina up to Long Island NY to be part of the experience and cheer all of us on. I could tell that it was hard for her to watch the brave souls get in the choppy and rough waters of Zach's Bay the day before the race with Tropical Storm Ophelia approaching quickly but she made do. I was in and out so quickly. Simone asked me how the swim was and I don't remember if I told her how terrifying it was or not. The next day on race day; the swim was shortened to a half mile; the waters not being as scary as the day before. Simone was cheering me on as I emerged and ran into transition to hand my chip off to the cyclist of my relay. I had worn my swimsuit for the swim and changed into my one-piece tri kit for the run. Simone helped me put my compression socks on for the run and made sure I got to the spot in transition to head off the for the 13.1-mile run. Simone was a fantastic and encouraging cheerleader under her circumstances. It was wonderful to have that time with Simone. 

Another super sweet thing about Simone is that she lives in NC and gave me some insight on a race I'd never done. When I was planning my trip to the Pinehurst NC area for my 2024 Triathlon Season opener; she gave me some intel about the swim portion of the Pinehurst Triathlon. She told me that if the sun was shining race morning, I would want to wear my most tinted (mirrored) swim goggles. I always have all 6 pairs of goggles race day but I took her advice as she had done that swim and appreciated her advice. It ended up being very sunny so I wore the most tinted goggles and had a very good swim. I loved that she also wanted to come cheer and spectate but had some training for work that day so she cheered from the same state but from training.

Okay final thing about Simone; non swimming related is that she makes stained glass. It's so pretty and I have 2 pieces that I can't wait to hang very soon in such a special place.   

Cammie Hunt

Unlike Simone (as well as Danielle who you'll find out about next) I know Cammie only virtually; that is until we meet IRL in 2025 at the Pumpkinman Triathlon in Maine where she lives (that is my travel tri for next year). We met through a mutual friend when we got on Zoom Saturday mornings during the covid pandemic lockdown to socialize in such a new way. Cammie is a veteran triathlete herself but as I got to know her over Saturday Zoom trainer rides, sending notes via mail and sometimes over FB Messenger chat; I learned about her swimming story which is how she got into triathlon. I hope Cammie won't mind me sharing but she learned to swim as an adult as she lives in Maine and mostly swims in the open water. She has completed many open water swim events as there are so many near her. Cammie learned to appreciate the joy and challenge of open water swimming; which inspired me to do an event like I did. 

Cammie is a hockey fan and played hockey when she was younger (I think through her high school or maybe her college days) so we share that interest; being hockey fans of course. Cammie and I can chat about life outside our worlds of triathlon racing as she has an interest in all the racing that goes on with the various profession/elite and amateur events. It's so easy to have conversations with her; it's so natural and I just enjoy them so much.

Outside the sporty world of stuff; Cammie inspires me in a way that is so important and special. Cammie is a mom to an adult daughter Haley who has autism. I have loved getting to also learn about Haley. Cammie and Haley have such special bond and even with the challenges Haley faces; they go on fun adventures together which have involved live music and live shows. Cammie (and her husband who's name I forget) have taught Haley about the importance of giving back to the community. Haley has a direct support professional who she spends the weekdays with to go out into the community. Haley is Cammie's WHY for doing the sport of triathlon (I can assume it's swimming and running as well). Cammie sees everyone for who they are outside the challenges they face on a regular basis. That is an important part of our budding friendship.

Danielle Moore

It's hard to start with what to say about Danielle; as there is so much to say. We met virtually a few or several years back on Instagram (or maybe Facebook). We mostly typed chatted on whichever platform it was and once we might have video chatted. Danielle is a very talented swimmer; having swam competitively through her college days (collegiately). She started doing triathlons a few years back; completing both sprint and Olympic distance races. Danielle attempted a half iron distance triathlon as cycling was a challenge and she didn't find joy in it. Danielle is a mermaid by trade and has done the swim portion of relays in triathlons with friends. Danielle also finds so much joy in Open Water Swimming.  

Danielle and I had to take a break for a time period as we have some of the same challenges we don't let change what we are capable of doing. During our much-needed break I still followed her adventures in the triathlon and swimming world (this is something she may or may not know). The break ended as I decided to reach out to her and it's been much more stable since. I love that Danielle and I are both doing better but can be real and true about the mountains that we climb day in and day out; each in our own way. We follow each other on social media and cheer each other on in such a positive way. I would say our friendship is blooming in such a healthy way.

Honestly Danielle was an important factor in my decision to complete my first OWS race at Steelman Open Water Swim Classic 3 Miler. I'll talk about how special it was to have a veteran in the open water swim world share the course with me in my race recap; but I'm going to talk about when we finally met IRL the night before the swim at dinner. Danielle knew I was staying close to the race site as she lived a little bit of a drive away closer towards Philly. She came up with suggestions for dinner and I arrived before she did at the diner I chose. I saw Danielle walking over towards me and after a hug; I said she looked exactly liked she did in photos curly red hair and the sweetest smile on her face on social media. We knew that our time at dinner would be rushed as the diner was open until only 8 pm (we closed it down) and our conversation was about anything and everything and also so much about nothing it seems. We talked about similar experiences in life and in the sport. We engaged in conversation about being true to our own selves and doing what is best for our own personal good without letting others give us too many rules and expectations to follow. We may have a different amounts of life experience than each other but we agree on so much; not to mention what inspires each of us knowing that much more about each other. 

LOL! I just wrote a novel on each of my race dedications for the Steelman Open Water Classic 3 Mile Swim; again. But here's a hint; this will get you ready for the race recap of this open water swim event as it's promised to be the longest of all the recaps this 2024 Season.  


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