Unexpected USA Triathlon Delaware State Champ
I raced the RipIt Events Bear Sprint Triathlon yesterday; Sunday May 19th at Lums Pond State Park in Bear DE. Bear was the day after my 40th Birthday so I decided to make the race fun; because triathlon is fun and wore the Birthday Girl headband on the run. I LOVE racing in Bear DE as the location is a fave of mine. I got to race on my birthday weekend; only wanting to finish a bit faster than last year's race. Not expected was a podium spot in my 2nd triathlon in the Gal 40-44 age group; my first as a 40 year old. Oh and I didn't just win my age group; I blew the entire field away. Congrats to Ellen Shaffer who placed 2nd (in the left) and Megan Toto who placed 3rd (on the right).
USA Triathlon has this thing now where they designate a triathlon in each state as the State Championship to help athletes qualify for USA Triathlon Age Group Nationals; which are being held in Atlantic City NJ this September. I knew Bear got the designated Delaware State Championship race so it actually attracted more athletes. RipIt puts on an amazing race experience in the Mid Atlantic region for it's athletes; so I was happy to see a good turn out. Being a designated state championship race; I got my awesome Bear Triathlon Finisher Medal, my Bear Triathlon Award Winner plaque (is that what it's called) as well as a certificate from USA Triathlon stating I'm the Gals 40-44 Sprint Champion for Delaware. Not sure what I'm doing with the certificate so I'll just look at it and be like " Hey! I'm a State Champion in Triathlon"!
With my buddy Rob Roa; all around cool dude, RipIt Ambassador, spin instructor, as well as amazing endurance triathlete and runner (that's how we know each other in the first place). He finished his Olympic Distance race which was well after I was done with my Sprint Distance race. I had already gotten all my stuff at the awards ceremony and he was like what's all that. I replied in some form or fashion stuff. Then he was so proud of me for being a State Champion; he wanted a pic with me and helped me hold all my stuff. Oh and just for the record I beat my time from last year's Bear Sprint Triathlon in over 11 minutes that came with a new shiny PR on the 10 mile bike course (for all the times I've done that bike course). More to come this week on the details of The 2024 RipIt Events Bear Triathlon!