Pikes Peek 10k


It's been almost a week now since I ran the Montgomery County Road Runners Pike's Peek 10k that runs from the Shady Grove Metro down Rockville Pike to the Pike & Rose shopping center. I've done this local 10k either 4 or 5 times now. In the past it's always been about beating an hour; but since I didn't do the proper training for this specific 10k road race I just wanted to finish in a reasonable 1 hour and 20 minute; which would be just over a 12 minute mile pace average.

Of course I knew so many fellow runners and fellow runner friends who were participating in Pikes Peek last Sunday morning. I planned on just randomly seeing these runner peeps and friends at the start line at the Shady Grove Metro or at the finish at Pike & Rose. I knew a long time swimmer friend Abby was running it; only because I stalked the participant list on the race website and was just hoping to see her at some point. Well; we saw each other at the start line and started comparing notes how we were both not so much trained to race this 10k. We decided to run as much of the 10k together to motivate and push one another. Running the first 4 miles happened with Abby and ALL those minute mile paces were surprisingly under an 11 minute mile; ranging from low 10s to high 10s. At mile 4 though I told Abby to ahead if she wanted and I'd most likely see her at the finish. She went ahead of me as we were running up one of the small uphills on this truly net downhill point to point course and it was absolutely fine. I got to run and talk to Abby about well just anything and everything for 41 minutes. I knew the last 2 miles would be tough because the only motivation I had left to push was on my very own. Unlike the first 4 miles being under 11 minutes; the last two were slightly over 11 minute miles. And honestly; it's just fine. I gave it all I had at the end but like every end of the race I was fading. 

All of the many Montgomery County Road Runner race photographers caught my facial expression to be like at every photo opportunity. I wanted to smile; but when I'm pushing the pace and keeping the heart rate way up in Zone 4 or 5 for extended periods of time, this is the face I make. Yes even for the camera. But as I look at this photo I see so much grit and determination to push through the mental and emotional pains of the 10k run. 


I mentioned at the start of this post that my original time goal to be happy with was finishing in 1 hour 20 minutes. I guess I need to start not doubting what I can and can't do because I totally obliterated that goal by minutes upon minutes.You don't have to ask me more than once but I was thrilled with a final 10k time of 1 hour 6 minutes 53 seconds; which averaged out to a 10:40 minute mile average pace. Not to shabby; eh?


As I was completing the section of the 10k that was run on Rockville Pike and turned right into the Pike & Rose shopping center; let's just say I made sure my Girls on the Run Goodr "Star Power" shades were covering my eyes because I was filled with the happiest tears of every kind. I for sure didn't want others to see me tearing up as I approached the finish line and think I wasn't okay because in reality I was more than okay. I was PROUD. I was CONFIDENT. I was PUMPED. I ran a 10k with just 2 short runs and 1 long run a week. Think what huge-tastic goals I can achieve for Pike's Peek 10k in 2023 when I'm following a plan that includes both speed work and hill work (because I ride the struggle bus on the uphills, even the smallest ones). If proper run training means becoming a stronger runner; you know I will do what it takes to make it happen. Up next on the 2022 race calendar is my triathlon season opener in Manassas Virginia on Sunday May 8th. I did this fun low key all women's pool swim triathlon back in 2019 and had a blast; so I decided to come back to it. But more later!



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