About Last Sunday; She Believed She Could So She Did!


Race Recap for the 2024 Bishop's Events Dash Around The Point 5k

It's been almost a week since I opened up my Season 20 and Decade 2 of Taking Running Seriously at the 2024 Bishop's Events Dash Around The Point 5k at Hains Point in Washington DC. I decided to make this season more than just about me by dedicating each race this year to someone who has had an impact on me during my long and ongoing journey. Last Sunday's 5k was dedicated to my Running Dad Joe Coblentz. We met many years ago through the Montgomery County Road Runners Club as well as the doing fun runs out of the Pacer's Running Store that used to be locate in Downtown Silver Spring. Joe and I ran together during training runs and at races. We built a special bond; one that seemed to be comparable to a father-daughter bond. We had lunch every so often outside of the time we spent running. But then so many years ago; I remember the conversation Joe and I had at lunch; he told me he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. My heart sank for him. He eventually had to stop running; something he found joy in, something that brought us close together. He's now out in Oregon; I think near Portland to be close to his daughters and get the treatments he needs for this disease he's been dealing with. We text from time to time and I think him often. Attached to my race belt last Sunday on race day was a picture we took post either Pike's Peek 10k or the Parks Half Marathon. I ran this season opener for me to celebrate the hard work and commitment and dedication I put in over the off-season but I also ran it for Joe; with so much love!

Not too long after I signed up the 5k; I called up my good friend James and invited him to come run the race with me because sharing the course with a friend is better than doing it alone. I met James maybe 12 years ago. He became a runner because of me and it was something he came to enjoy. He immediately accepted my invitation so he could continue his quest in chasing after me. He wasn't as well trained for this as I was but he was game. I picked James up early morning race day as he lives in Northern Virginia and we drove to Hains Point in DC. We picked our race bibs (race numbers) as well as shirts. I wasn't supposed to get a shirt from this race; but I'll explain why I chose not to when I highlight this awesome race company. It was super cold race morning as temperatures were in the high 20s at race start. I get overheated so I chose to not wear layers but wore enough to keep me warm for a 5k race that would hopefully take me no longer than 29 minutes and 59 seconds. It was so cold that I was able to push myself out of my comfort zone and run a pretty much negative split 5k race. Pictures of race stats are below this race recap so you can see how amazing this race was for me. James and I started off running together but I had a feeling he once again was going to chase me; just like every other time we ran together. We stayed neck and neck the first mile. I went out at a leisurely and comfortable 8:58 pace. I was able to control my breathing but I knew it wouldn't be that case for the entire way. I knew I wanted to push a little harder on the second mile; get uncomfortable and see what my body could do. About halfway through the race I had made the u-turn at the cone to head back home. I looked for James as I left the cones. I spotted him running fiercely towards the cone. I screamed something to the effect of "Nice Job James; Stay Strong and Keep Going, You Got This" even though my breathing was a bit more uncontrollable. I went over a bit to left to try and high five him but my hands were cold and we did an air high five. It was a big boost to see James and encourage him to keep going. My second mile came in at an 8:38; so much YES! I knew that at this point unless I had a major meltdown; a sub 30 minute stand alone 5k was mine to take. The last mile was the hardest because it always is. I really wanted to negative split as bad as I wanted to shatter my goal of sub 30 minutes. I ran as hard as I could; passing runners left and right while encouraging them to keep going. Breathing got a little harder but I was okay with that. As I got closer to the short finish cute to cross the timing mat; my mind was blown into a million pieces. My third mile came up on my Garmin and was another 8:38; acceptable by all means. I was able to hold onto that uncomfortable pace; something I'm not able to do very often. The last .1 miles to the finish was full of happy tears under my sunglasses because there was my first of many finish lines of 2024. I still can't explain the feeling of crossing over the mat and stopping my Garmin. I was able to believe in myself; something I haven't been able to do for many years now. I caught my breath as I waited for James to cross the finish line. It was meaningful to share the course with James. I hit a PR for this course; as I had raced it in 2022 undertrained and overdressed, this time knocking over 6 minutes off that time. Unbelievable and so incredible. The rest of the morning was spent taking pictures with James and eating post race brunch at Panera. Below are pictures of all the stats from the 5k to enjoy. 

Set a NEW PR for the Bishop's Events Dash Around The Point 5k; so I took the photo!

Official Race Stats from Athlinks

Strava details because otherwise it didn't happen!

Splits from Garmin on Garmin Connect


so great. You set a goal and exceeded it. Seems like it would be so cold at the start but you know your body well enough that you can't risk getting overheated.

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