Different Type of Attitude

Yesterday was swim day; something that I'm getting used to for a Monday since I usually have an off day. I wanted to swim indoors but since my home indoor pool Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center was closed a week early for summer maintenance and cleaning, I opted to go outdoors to my home outdoor pool Bethesda Outdoor. My swim set was as follows...
I actually had a good long course swim. I moaned and groaned and complained for several minutes; well actually more like 20 minutes and eventually got in the pool. I feel that I really worked hard on that swim even though long course aka 50 meters is still mentally tough for me (believe it or not). I got my act together and swam my 2600 meters and put in a good effort. Since I've been swimming on my own; with L4 Masters Swimming at Stone Ridge not meeting this month, its been tough having no one to push me. I think though I'm getting used to it now. Yesterday I really pushed myself and was happy with my splits; especially the main set. This is the first time I've ever posted a comment like this on Training Peaks for Heather to see. I don't know what she thought when she saw that but I think she's as happy as I am about my swim. I seriously Love This Journey and Love This Sport.


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