
You should see my left elbow! I had a bike crash yesterday and it wasn't pretty at all. AFter my flat ont he North end of the Beach Drive, thanks to some stupid rocks, I crashed. I was drafting my dad and suddendly he squeezed his breaks just that much. My front wheel hit his back wheel and I tumbled over, along with my bike. It HURT... BAD! Somehow I lay there unclipped from my pedals with my bike toppled over me. Dad came back to help me up. As dad looked over my bike, I sat on the grass crying. I was SCARED to get back on the bike. Dad told me to get on as soon as I asked him to go get the car and bring it back to the spot where I had crashed. I was horrified at what had happened. Why would I even think about getting back on the bike? Even though I didn't break anything but my skin, I was still scared of crashing again. After finally getting back in the saddle it was nerve wrecking at first, but I slowly got used to it. We had a good four miles back to the car and I was going to get there on my bike, even though at that point I didn't want to be on it. On the way back I tried getting in areo position but it far to much bothered my elbow so I had to just ride like a normal cyclist. Dad and I were originally going to ride 50 but the ride ended up being 41... not bad for a days work. The scabs left on my elbow still hurt this morning, but soon they will be gone, and this crash will be a distant memory.

Lesson Learned: Get Back On The Bike... It's Good For Ya :)

More to come...


Amy said…
This is my worst fear about cycling -- even more so than the fear that it will completely finish my IT band. You're a trooper for getting back in the saddle, literally! I'm impressed!
Tri-James said…
Bad things happen to all of us – it is how you react to them that matters most. You just have to get back in the saddle.
Missy said…
Gotta get back up on that bike! I did the same thing. Just go at it slowly to overcome the fear more than anything.
Rainmaker said…
Dad's know best sometimes!

Hope your healing well.
JC said…
Good that you got back on the bike...that is HUGE to get back on the bike, those things can build, but you did it right away!
Unknown said…
Oh no... glad that you are alright. And kudos for getting back on the bike right away! :)
Iron Eric said…
I hate crashing. Especially stupid ones. THe ones that are so dumb and well...dumb.

I hope you have a speedy recovery!!

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