
After my post last nite about the two ideas taking over my head... freelancing about the triathlon and running journey and developing a nationwide kids traithlon program similar to Girls on the Run... i'm getting a tad frustrated. No writing ideas have popped into my head that have to do with running or triathlon. Does a good idea just happen to hit you at a given moment when you least expect it? Becuase it ain't happening yet. Also no ideas are starting to form for the program I want to head up and start up... one that is a killer idea. Oh so frustrated. Maybe track workout tonite will spark some good ideas for both areas.

More to come...


Missy said…
It'll come... no worries. It'll probably come to you at 3am or some other terrible time but it'll come.
Amy said…
Coming up with story ideas is really, really hard work. I offer that as a form of encouragement: It's OK if it feels impossible! That's kind of how it's supposed to feel! Just keep reading everything you can about the topics you love, and hanging out with fascinating people, and you'll start seeing story ideas everywhere.
Kelly said…
My best writing-ideas come DURING my workouts. If I were smart, I would carry a pen and some paper with me. That may be a good idea for you?

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